I've worked on various board game projects over the years, both locally and internationally.

The first official title was the localized Greek edition of the Fantasy Flight LCG Lord of the Rings, the Card Game, by Fantastikos Kosmos Publications. I've collaborated with a few different publishers since and worked on titles such as Aether Captains (and its expansions), Carrotia (and its expansions), Burglars, and more for Mage Company, various in-house titles for Desyllas Games while I worked with that company, Solomon Kane: the Board Game, Enchanters, Super Fantasy Brawl and Reichbusters: Project Vril for Mythic Games and the latest one, Back O' Beyond: Tales of Blood & Salt, for Fabled Games, to name a few.

As my role has been mostly a hands-on graphic designer, I've worked on various aspects and stages of a board game production process (which is always a collaborative effort, so I cannot take full credit for any of the titles mentioned), from game logos, icons, SFX, card and sleeve designs to full layouts, to social-media and crowdfunding platform content. Following, I'm showcasing but a few of the most recent and prominent examples of my work. In most of these projects, my main involvement was to assemble the entirety of each game for proper production, which means that all components had to be concise with the design direction, with each other and with all the proper technical aspects met. However, I was tasked with designing some icons, components, leaflets and box layouts from scratch too. Back Oā€™ Beyond was the one project where I worked on all components from scratch along with the guidance of the creative director/chief designer of the game.

The Quiet: Level One Kickstarter campaign hosted by legendary artist Jonah Lobe is the second to last addition to my portfolio and my role in this was to design the mockups, graphics and marketing ads for the campaign itself.

Ion Core, a 1-4 players thematic sandbox game set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian world is now a live campaign on GAMEFOUND until February 5, 2025. Click on the title and visit the gameā€™s eminent GF campaign to see my latest collaboration with the wonderful team at Magister Games!

Discover Ion Core!

A 1-4 players thematic sandbox game set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian world.

Humanity has been driven to piracy to secure a brighter future and itā€™s up to you to guide your faction to victory! Plunder, scavenge for spoils and hunt dangerous aquatic creatures. The choice is yours!

But beware, you are not alone in sailing the seasā€¦ Enemy ships and a mysterious, relentless adversary haunt your every move. So plan well, take risks, and brave your way to total control!

Game Design: Chris G. Sifonios

Game Development: Chris G. Sifonios

Illustration/Concept Art: Athanasios Bathas

Graphic Design: Pat Tsibalidi

Story and World Building: Stamos Michellarakis

3D Modeling: Vaggelis Theodoridis

Solo Game Design: Chris G. Sifonios

UI Design: Chris G. Sifonios

QUIET: LEVEL ONE - An Original Graphic Novel by Jonah Lobe!

QUIET: Level One is an original work written and illustrated by award-winning artist and world-builder Jonah Lobe (Skyrim/Fallout/Marvel Anatomy). This 180+ page epic will feature artwork rendered in classic black-and-white, as well as richly colored chapter pages. The enhanced Kickstarter-exclusive Hardcover Edition will add behind-the-scenes concept art, writing, and Quiet-themed work from guest artists.

In this epic adventure, a brave little skeleton, Quiet, and their companion, the Narrator Worm, are on a quest to save the Tree of Worlds from destruction. Level One takes place in the Labyrinth, where ā€“ with only the voice of the mysterious Spider to guide them ā€“ our heroes must rely on each other to prevent Galahorn, the unstoppable invader, from ascending the Tree of Worlds. Meanwhile, the evil blade known as Threadcutter has at last been foundā€¦ and is beginning to whisper.

Like Yggdrasil, the Norse Tree of Life, Quiet: Level One's Tree of Worlds contains a multitude of realities. Each branch is a world unto itself; a new Level replete with different environments, creatures, and quests. Together, these Levels form a stepladder to the font of Creation itselfā€¦ which is exactly where Galahorn is headed.

The Tree of Worlds is beautiful, terrifying, and exceedingly strange ā€“ while feeling familiar to fans of fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons, and videogames. In the Labyrinth, Quiet must contend with traps, monsters, magical items, and more. How can our Level 1 skeleton possibly defeat the Level 100 barbarian? We'll have to find outā€¦


PROJECT MANAGER: Konstantin Pananas



VIDEO PRODUCTION & POST PRODUCTION: Tony Muzzatti @Crudo Creative, Nathaniel Dodson

PROPS: Bill and Brittany Doran @Punished Props Academy

QUIET WHITE BRASS METAL FIGURINE: Labros Papageorgiou @the Ember Forge

All Quiet related art is copyright Jonah Lobe 2024

Avast, ye mateys! Seize your cutlass and flintlock, and ready your ship! Thereā€™s treasure that needs taking!

Back Oā€™ Beyond: Tales of Blood & Salt is a highly thematic, mid-weight, 1-4 player euro game that plays in 60 to 90 minutes. As a pirate captain, your goal is to become the most renowned pirate by having the most infamy points at the end of the game.

Live a rivalry on the high seas! An easy game to pick up, Back Oā€™ Beyond: Tales of Blood & Salt boasts deep layering mechanics that allow strategies to control and manipulate the various outcomes, so as to outwit and rival your opponents! Whose name will burn in the pages of history? Embark on the journey, be remembered as the most infamous pirate, and amass a fortune beyond any other!

GAME DESIGNERS: Nikolaos Niotis, Argyris Poungouras


ARTIST: Jamie Noble Frier (aka The Noble Artist)

LEAD GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Panagiota Tsibalidi

PRODUCTION MANAGER: Anastasios Grigoriadis

PUBLISHER: Fabled Games Publications

All game related images are copyright Fabled Games 2023

Based upon the stories by Robert E. Howard (creator of Conan), Solomon Kane is a narrative adventure board game featuring exceptional 35mm miniatures.

It is a highly innovative co-operative game of storytelling, resource management, and tactical miniatures play. Players take the part of the invisible powers of good and light who aid Solomon Kane in his quest to overcome the forces of Darkness. Drawing upon Howardā€™s famous tales of the Puritan avenger, the core box allows players to tell their own versions of the Rattle of Bones, Skulls in the Stars, and Blue Flame of Vengeance. Expansions recreate Howardā€™s other Solomon Kane stories, as well as adding original adventures for the hero, created especially for the game.

In Solomon Kane, players take on the roles of the four Cardinal Virtues: Courage, Justice, Prudence, and Temperance. These immortal beings strive to lead mortals down the path of Goodness. Each is a stalwart and implacable foe of the Evil that lurks in the Darkness.

The players, as Virtues, must act together to aid the mortal hero Solomon Kane in his fight against the Darkness. This is the fearless opponent who tries to thwart our hero at every turn, and who must be overcome by the players if Solomon Kane is to emerge victorious. But why would the Virtues care about Solomon Kane? Surely there are many mortals they could aid? The answer is simple: none share his boundless faith and determination to fight the Darkness, whatever the odds or the cost.

GAME DESIGNER: Jake Thornton

ART DIRECTOR: StƩphane Gantiez

ARTISTS: Carl Art, AurƩlie Bouquet, StƩphane Gantiez, Christophe Madura and Guillem H.Pongiluppi

MINIATURE SCULPTORS: Giorgio Bassani, GrƩgory Clavillier, Gaƫl Goumon, Edgar Ramos, Edgar Skomorowski, Olivier Thill, and Irek Zielinski

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: StƩphane Gantiez, David Rakoto, Louis Guillon,Arnaud Marchand, Laurent Lucchini, Ed Harrison, Michael Watson, Panagiota Tsibalidi, Karsten Schulmann and Jamie Noble Frier

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Erwann Le Torrivellec

PUBLISHERS: LƩonidas Vesperini and BenoƮt Vogt

All game related images are copyright Mythic Games 2020-2022

Craft your Artifact and fight monsters!
Glory awaits!

You are the Enchanters! Mighty heroes who defend helpless villages with their magic and wits.

Equip yourself with items and enchantments from the Journey Track to fight intimidating monsters and even the deadliest of dragons! Will you collect the most glory points and become the mightiest of battlemages?

GAME DESIGNER: Rafał Cywicki

GAME DEVELOPERS: Jacek Gołębiowski, Anastasios Grigoriadis

ART DIRECTORS: Bartosz Repetowski, StƩphane Gantiez, Laurent Luccini

ILLUSTRATORS: Bartosz Repetowski, Tomasz Mroziński, Daria Zersen, Paweł Fotek, Lena Zhdanova

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS & DTP: Paweł Niziołek, Marta Fleter, Beata Smugaj, Sandra Tessieres, Panagiota Tsibalidi


CONTENT CREATORS: Helena Tzioti, Mathieu Rivero

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS, COMMUNICATION: Panagiota Tsibalidi, Michael Watson

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Erwann Le Torrivellec

PUBLISHERS: LƩonidas Vesperini and BenoƮt Vogt

All game related images are copyright Mythic Games 2020-2022

Super Fantasy Brawl is a fun, fast-paced competitive miniatures board game!

In the land of Fabulosa, powerful magics have rendered war obsolete. With nothing else to compete for, the bored populace has turned to the Super Brawl for entertainment. These same powerful magics are now used to reach back into the timelines to pluck out the finest warriors from every civilization in order to compete against each other in the greatest entertainment spectacle ever staged.

Players select a team of three champions and combine their unique action cards to create a synergistic action deck. The game is faction-free, so players have their choice of any combination of champions they wish. Each turn, the players use their hand of action cards to maneuver, attack, displace enemies, and claim objectives to score victory points.

The objectives in Super Fantasy Brawl are only scored at the beginning of a players' turn, ensuring that you always get a chance to disrupt your enemy's plans and position your champions to score the objective for yourself.

GAME DESIGN & INITIAL DEVELOPMENT: Jochen Eisenhuth and Artyom Nichipurov

CHARACTER DESIGN: Johannes Helgeson

ART DIRECTION: StƩphane Gantiez

CONCEPT ART: StƩphane Gantiez, Christophe Madura

Cover Art: Bayard Wu

CARD ART: Johannes Helgeson, Christophe McLean, Ivan Fomin, Didier Nguyen

BOARD ART: Emmanuel Bouley

GRAPHIC DESIGN & DTP: Arnaud Marchand, Sandra TessiĆØres, Panagiota Tsibalidi, Stuart Siddons, and Anna Faye

MINIATURE SCULPTING: Irek Zielinski and Olivier Thill

PROJECT DIRECTION: Erwann Le Torrivellec

PUBLISHERS: LƩonidas Vesperini and BenoƮt Vogt

All game related images are copyright Mythic Games 2020-2022

Media design

In this section Iā€™m showcasing a few select examples of media design, printed ads, flyers, posters and some catalogue sample spreads, just so you get an idea of the various aspects of a project I am adept at handling.

All game related images are copyright Mythic Games 2020-2022


Brand Identity


Book Design