Anima felis Creative Space

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Getting ready for AthensCon 2023!

Find me at Table 58b in the artist’s alley at AthensCon 2023

Hey folks!

It’s coming close to that time of the year where I get to participate in one of Athen’s largest yearly pop-culture Conventions as a guest in their artist alley, along with a bunch of other excellent individuals! This year it’s gonna be a 3-day event, on 01, 02 and 03 of December. The convention itself has a very interesting line-up of international as well as local guests and there’s also gonna be workshops, presentations, signings, the works!

I’ll be participating with a plethora of old and new works where guests can pick up as prints or limited-run self-publications. If you’re in Athens during the afore-mentioned weekend, do come say hello and have a chat! It’s gonna be a blast!

You can find more info, the entire guests and artists’ list as well as the schedule for this year’s convention here: AthensCon2023